Tuesday, July 13, 2010

i'm me.....

hello all!!! now, i know i put a post up this morning but, i just wanted to get some stuff off my chest and blog from the heart...

my name is jamece renee hackett and i can only be her... i hate when people try to mold you into the friends that they want you to be... i can't do anything but be myself... no i will not fall for peer pressure... anything that jamece does is because jamece wants to do it on her terms... {sorry for speaking in third person i hate when ppl do that too.. lol}

i write in lowercase to show the world that i view everyone on the same playing field... i don't view any person above anyone else... i view everyone on the same standards...

i love to dance... may it be we are going out or we are in the house i'm going to enjoy myself...

i love being around good company... the best group of friends are the ones you can joke around with then have a deep intellectual discussion with them right after...

i love being spontaneous... i hate people who are sticks in the mud and just want to lie in bed all day watching tv... there's way more to life than that...

i hate when ppl make excuses for why they do certain things like "i smoke cuz im sticking to the man"... naw n**** you smoke because you enjoy the feeling of getting high... stop lying to the world and stop being an imaginary intellectual...

on the same note i hate ppl who are natural but, think they are better than everyone else because they did it... i decided to loc my hair for me... i didnt do it to put on a facade of being intellectually deep or to fit in with a group of people because at the end of the day if you don't do for you then there is no purpose...

i hate people who are greek and think they are better than everyone else cuz they pledged... at the end of the day work needs to be done... if you aren't down for that why do you have those letters...

i love me... everything i do is for the advancement of me... if you don't have the self love to want to motivate yourself how on earth can you be a role model to others...

i'm proactive... if there is a will there is always a way... don't make poor excuses of why you can't do something...

lastly.. work hard but, play harder... you only have one life to live... wasting it all on the chase for money is pointless... find your dreams and go after them because no one knows you better than you...

now i know i sort of went on a bit of a tangent but, i can be me... i'm hold fast to all these points i stated and more... come correct or don't come at all... i know many people in life only mission is to find that missing piece... their {s o u l m a t e} that will come when you discover who you are... people don't want to be around lost souls.. find out what you want for you and the rest will fall into place...

so as we live this thing call life remember you can only be you.... nothing more.. nothing less... don't let anyone change that and remember love thyself... one


I'm just me... - Ciara

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